Beautiful post, Vanessa. Thank you. Did you come up with the circle framework you use here? I like it; resonates... and I want to do some more sitting with it.

I also appreciated your exploration/differentiation of community/network. If you do more writing at that intersection, I'm very interested!

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Yes it's the super draft-y framework. Really would like to investigate to sharpen further. And yes to exploring the interconnections and divergence of communities and networks. I think it's super relevant given how community has "gone Hollywood" with NFTs and DAOs.

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Good stuff. I was reading you alongside this piece from Aaron Goggans and the folks at Wildseed, with this lovely definition (resonant with your own):

"We define community as a group of people with such important or valuable interrelationships that it is easier to have the difficult conversations than walk away. It's a space where we agree to labor together to root out domination from our praxis and replace it with more liberatory ways of meeting our needs."


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