If you're curious about citizens' assemblies and other forms of minipublics, take a look at this special issue from the Journal of Deliberative Democracy exploring the implications of widescale participatory democracy: https://delibdemjournal.org/articles/10.16997/jdd.413/

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Thanks for sharing your wisdom & work, Vanessa!

Relatedly, I woke up today with a totally different feeling about flags. The national ritual the world experienced along side us Americans changed a subtle frequency. The image of the National Mall now lives in our collective imaginations. Flags once again represent people--living and dead--, families, communities, states, even a nation. I know the sick feeling I get when passing a proud boy/white terrorist flag-flying truck will return soon enough. The threats are not gone. But today I relish some of the simple joy of flags I experienced as a child who loved bold colors and shapes.

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